Some Songs for Attonement

A solemn, but very joyous feast day, Attonement. The Adversary is seen for what he is, is bound for a thousand years, and the earth is at last free from his grip of troubles and sorrows.

We think these songs fit the message of the day, in approximate order of how we understand the events that will occur:

We groan, waiting for this to happen.
Our Earth We Now Lament To See
Give Ear Unto My Words, O Lord
O God Our Help in Ages Past

When it will happen:
When Christ Shall Come

The great relief of the earth to be freed from Satan's spell
The Lion of Judah
From All That Dwell Below the Skies

Praise to the One who accomplished it:
Sing Praises and Rejoice!
To God Be the Glory



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Page last modified on: 07/29/2004