Some Songs for Sabbath, July 25, 1998

The theme for these songs is Feast Fever!  It is time to start looking forward to the fall Holy Days, so these songs are chosen to start us thinking about those days and their meaning. Enjoy

It Won't Be Long Now (Ross Jutsum)
He Comes, He Comes (Special for this web site, not in any of our hymnals.)
The Mountain of the Lord (Mark Graham)(new version)
The Great White Throne    (Special for this web site, not in any of our hymnals.)
The New Jerusalem (Mark Graham)

These are off-site (at The Cyberhymnal). These links will open a new copy of your browser. To return to this page, close that new copy.

Behold the Glories of the Lamb (Isaac Watts, from Revelation 5:6-12)
Come Thou Conquerer of the Nations
      A John Wesley song, inspired by the Book of Revelation,
      a frequent source of inspiration for his songs.
Christ Returneth
Conquering Now and Still to Conquer (Fanny Crosby on a horse.)



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